
The headshot is the cover advertisement of an Actor's company. In Hollywood, much about an Actor is assumed by the package they present. Headshots are an investment for the whole team.
Download resume as PDF formatThe truth about headshots is the matter of opinion. A lot of peopls's opinion and a lot of the person's opinion telling you.
"Just be yourself."
"They need to see it."
"make the eyes pop."
"What to do, what not to do."
The Actors headshot serves the purpose of introductions for Actors, pitches for Agents, matching for casting directors, even inspriation for Directors.
It is impossible to assess the cost of a photoshoot. Some prefer to base it on the number of looks, or time spent taking photos, or number of photos taken. Cost will be the amount you pay for the shoot minus the amount your career gains in auditions. Is an expensive headshot that gets you tons of auditions worth more or less than a cheap shoot that just gets you two?
It used to be that a headshot was black and white and 8 by 10inches. A great Headshot is everything, it's the first impression an Actor makes and the last one that stays on the table. Some are sorted quickly, some tossed, others remain in the files of casting. Headshots are used on all of an Actor's marketing marterials.
After you book a few co-stars and some guests. Some public PR could be inevitable and there's not always a budget for new photos. Headshots set in to fill the void. This is the time to use images that break the rules and "aren't" headshots. Or pay for another shoot by the deadline.
Every young professional has to listen to conflicting rules, ideas of proccess, and outdated career advice, then actors have it the worst. The fact is; commerical casting directors see the world differently. You can be confused by this and not do anything, or you can be confused by this and try Headshots that target a wide range. What shows? Coming film projects? Routine commercial calls?
If you divide the cost of a session by the number of auditons you've got, suddenly cost means a lot. It's true a lack of investment in the promotion of a product will lose potential product sales/auditions. Actors need headshots, it's a constant thing. It really shouldn't be a stress, in fact it might eventually get routine. Of course there are different levels of Headshots, an Agent at one of the top expects something entirely different than an Agent booking your co-stars and guests. It's important to say that an Agent at one of the top won't see you soley based on a headshot.
This Actors Headshot Session is simply beyond Headshots. This untamed, untimed photographic adventure into the veins of the city shooting photographs beyond borders includes images for Actors websites, business cards, postcards, IMDB, and endless promotional material. This is a Acting Headshot session that is nothing like the usual approach of "sit down and smile, now don't smile" in a photographer's garage/studio.
10 retouched images: